Sunday Seven No. 004
Hi Everyone,
Here is your weekly Sunday Seven, a list of what I’ve learned and loved.
Last week’s post has been viewed 232 times. The email had a 72% open rate.
SOCIAL DISTANCING - This image by the talented Domenic Bahmann (@domfriday) is a mood that we can all easily relate to. Domenic’s art has a peculiarly familiar sense of humor. It’s playful and clever — though I am no art critic and don’t pretend to play one on the internet. The image was originally posted in 2015, but it could not be more relevant today.
SHORT STORY - I highly recommend The Egg by Andy Weir (5min). The story deals with the concept of the afterlife and what it can teach us about the present. It was recommended to me by a friend after I suggested they read Sum (from last week’s Sunday Seven). You may recognize Andy Weir as the author of The Martian, a film starring Matt Damon.
ON RATIONALITY - Here is my top highlight from reading the excellent essay Twelve Virtues of Rationality by Eliezer S. Yudkowsky. It reminds me that pain is a teacher. Pain + Reflection = Progress.
When you notice an error in yourself, this signals your readiness to seek advancement to the next level. If you tolerate the error rather than correcting it, you will not advance to the next level and you will not gain the skill to notice new errors.
MUSIC - This DJ set is 37 tracks and runs a blissful 3hrs 33mins. It was recorded live with cellist Hadas Kleinman at the opening ceremony of Ondalinda music festival in Costa Careyes, Mexico. You can run a marathon to it. I’m adding the festival to the ever-growing list of “places to visit once we can safely fly again”.
FOCUS - Noisli is an ambient sound generator I recently rediscovered and have been listening to while working. You can choose from pre-mixed playlists or layer different ambient sounds to create your own. The background sounds help improve focus and boost productivity. It also helps mask annoying noises and keep you sane while you WFH. I enjoy playing sounds of thunder, train tracks, and coffee shop conversation.
WORTH REWATCHING - How the Economic Machine Works. Simple animated video by Ray Dalio breaks down economic concepts like credit, deficits and interest rates, basic driving forces behind the economy, how economic policies work, and why economic cycles occur. As we enter a new long-term debt cycle it is important to understand where we are now and where we are probably headed.
I’M LEARNING MORE ABOUT - Holotropic Breathing. It combines accelerated breathing with music and is usually done in groups. Eyes closed and lying on a mat, each person uses their own breath and the music in the room to enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. Have you tried Holotropic breathing? I’d love to learn about your experience.
I’d also love to hear your feedback. What did you find the most valuable here? Anything you’d like to see less of? Send me a reply if you’re reading this over email or leave a comment below on the post.
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Happy Sunday,